Our Governance
At Solihull Alternative Provision Multi Academy Trust (SAPMAT), our governance structure ensures strong oversight, accountability, and strategic direction across our schools. Our Trustees are responsible for setting the trust’s vision, holding senior leaders to account, and ensuring financial sustainability. Members, as the guardians of the trust’s purpose, provide independent oversight and appoint Trustees to ensure effective governance. At a local level, our Local Advisory Boards (LABs) support individual schools by offering insights, challenge, and guidance tailored to their communities. Together, these governance tiers work to uphold high standards, foster innovation, and improve outcomes for all learners across SAPMAT.
- M Murphy
- C Winstone
- C Fees
- M Burgess
- L Powell
Finance and Resources Committee
- C Winstone; Chair of Trustees, Finance Committee, Compliance Committee and Pay and Progression Committee
- M Wilson; Vice Chair of Trustees, Link Trustee to Local Advisory Committee and Compliance Committee
- M Murphy; Chair of Pay and Progression Committee
Standards and Safeguarding Committee
D Gelder; Chair of Standards, LAC and Safeguarding Committee
S Gethen; SEND and Parent Voice
A Kirby; Wellbeing, Careers and Family Liaison, Pay and Progression Committee
M Murphy; Safeguarding and Whistleblowing
C Russell; Behaviour and Discipline plus Compliance Committee
Local Advisory Board comprising of:
D Gelder; Chair of Local Advisory Committee and member of Trustee Board
M Wilson; Link Trustee
K Dockery; Principal of Solihull Academy
T Whitehouse; Headteacher Daylesford Academy
- J Hamilton
- Y Obaidy
- G Bennett
Vacancies; Two parent representatives to be selected by parent ballot
- V Brosnahan; Chair of Local Advisory Committee
- R Bhayat; Link Trustee
- G Mellor; Headteacher of Coventry AP Academy
- K Maton
- C Parnell
- C Warner
SAPMAT Governance Structure 2025
Register of Interest SAPMAT 24-25
SAPMAT Trustee Attendance at Meetings Records 2020-21
SAPMAT Trustee Attendance at Meetings Records 2021-22