Our Governance
Executive Leadership Central Team:
- Chief Executive Officer: S Steinhaus - HR, Recruitment, Admissions, School Improvement and Accounting Officer
Senior Leadership Central Team:
- Business Manager and CFO: Fiona Caddick - Finance, Business, Compliance
- Trust ICT Manager: E Morgan - IT and Comms
- Trust Facilities Manager: T Walker - Facilities, Site and Health & Safety
- M Murphy
- C Winstone
- Dr C Fees
- M Burgess
- L Powell
Finance and Resources Committee
- C Winstone; Chair of Trustees, Finance Committee, Compliance Committee and Pay and Progression Committee
- M Wilson; Vice Chair of Trustees, Link Trustee to Local Advisory Committee and Compliance Committee
- M Murphy; Chair of Pay and Progression Committee
- R Adams; Business Development and on Pay and Progression Committee
Standards and Safeguarding Committee
D Gelder; Chair of Standards, LAC and Safeguarding Committee
S Gethen; SEND and Parent Voice
A Kirby; Wellbeing, Careers and Family Liaison, Pay and Progression Committee
M Murphy; Safeguarding and Whistleblowing
Dr C Russell; Behaviour and Discipline plus Compliance Committee
Local Advisory Board comprising of:
D Gelder; Chair of Local Advisory Committee and member of Trustee Board
M Wilson; Link Trustee to Trustee Board matters other than Standards
Principal from Solihull Academy and Headteacher Daylesford Academy
Two parent representatives to be selected by parent ballot: Vacancies
- Three members from Daylesford Academy management board: J Hamilton, Y Obaidy and G Bennett
SAPMAT Trustee Attendance at Meetings Records 2020-21